Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance

Unlocking blue biotech by paving way for transnational innovation and success


Matching users to the services, facilities, and expertise they need to take their product idea to the next level

Blue biotechnology is a sector that has great potential as Europe moves towards a biobased economy. It can be tapped for products such as new drugs, biofuels, food and supplements. This potential is impressive but – to date – remains largely untapped, realisation is still in its infancy.

The Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance aims to bridge the gap of resources and expertise by developing and implementing optimal transnational product development chains. These will enable efficient use of and comprehensive access to the whole variety of facilities, (bio-)resources and expertise available within the region and beyond, therefore pooling national capabilities.

We match our users to the services, facilities and experts they need to take their idea to the next level. Not only do we look for the right partners to advance a project, we also help to create the necessary financial, legal and organisational conditions for the project to be realised within the transnational product development chain.
We aim to present at least five successful cases in which partners have helped a case gain what it needs in order to progress to a fully developed product. These cases will serve as models of how blue biotechnology value chains can work across the BSR.
The service shall be continuously available to blue biotechnology actors in the BSR through a self-sustaining network we hope to create in the course of the next three years. Working closely with our cases in a needs-oriented way will help us achieve this goal.

2016 – 2019

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020

Total project budget:
509,640.00 €

393,250.00 €

Own contribution:
116,390.00 €


Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance was a consortium of 20 project partners, including SUBMARINER Network and our members.


Other partners


Reach out to our project manager:

Efthalia Arvaniti, Team Lead Aquatic Value Chains

Stay up to date on the latest project results