Blue Generation

Blue economy jobs for young people


Empowering the youth for sustainable careers, and fostering engagement and opportunities in blue economy sectors across Europe

The objective of the Blue Generation Project is to inspire and engage young people between 15 and 29 years to pursue a sustainable career in one of the following Blue Economy sectors: coastal tourism, aquaculture, ocean energy, marine biotechnology, shipbuilding, maritime transport and fisheries. At the heart of the project lies the Blue Generation Program (BGP). The BGP is an integrated outreach action organised and implemented by the project with the aim to “attract, engage and convert” young people to the vast opportunities of the Blue Economy job market. The Blue Generation Program offers well-documented information about blue career prospects in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland, mentoring programs for those among the young who wish to actively pursue a career in Blue Economy, including skills validation tools to better cope with the needed qualifications, as well as mobility exchanges through study visits for gaining first-hand experience in various Blue economy sectors. To succeed in this, the Blue Generation Project brings together experts from the Blue Economy and Youth organisations to share knowledge about skills needs, career paths, open job positions and existing training.

The Blue Generation Program will be repeated in four cycles throughout the years 2018 to 2022, each lasting from January to October, followed by an evaluation and improvement process. In the first year the Blue Career Job Platform will be developed, offering free of charge information on blue job positions as well as training opportunites across EU countries. Through the BGP, it is envisaged to reach up to 39,000 young people through promotional activities and convert at least 2,000 to employment or training in the Blue Economy.

The Blue Generation Project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The project is coordinated by Militos Consulting SA in Greece and Sea Teach in Spain, and is implemented by an international consortium in Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Portugal, and Spain with support from Blue Economy Experts from Belgium, Germany, Iceland and Norway.

2018 – 2022


Blue Generation was a consortium of 10 project partners, including SUBMARINER Network.


Reach out to our project manager:

Efthalia Arvaniti, Team Lead Aquatic Value Chains

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