Next Blue Generation

Revitalising the Blue Economy through a “train-the-trainer” approach.


Revitalising Blue Economy through a “train-the-trainer” approach

The Next Blue Generation initiative utilizes a creative approach to ignite enthusiasm within classrooms, motivating young individuals to pursue careers in the blue economy.

The core objective is to empower educators in secondary, vocational, and tertiary education by providing cutting-edge digital tools and the latest data. This will enable them to guide students effectively towards a future in the blue economy.


Goals & Objectives

This project is driven by a dual main objective: enhancing the edge balance within the blue economy workforce and reducing youth unemployment. To achieve this, our aspirations include:

  • Establishing an updated dataset outlining career and training pathways across five key sectors of the Blue Economy (Nautical Tourism, Maritime Transport, Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture and Marine Conservation).
  • Developing digital tools to bolster the mission of educators.
  • Providing comprehensive training to teachers and educators on effectively utilising the upcoming Next BlueGeneration tools.


Call for action!

Next BlueGeneration invites young people and teachers as well as everyone else interested in Blue Economy to actively engage with project partners. With a variety of opportunities for participation, the project aims to united a group of people committed to revitalise Blue Economy!

For more details, visit the Next BlueGeneration Project website.

36 months | September 2023 – August 2026

EMFAF – 2023-BlueCareers


Next BlueGeneration is a consortium of 10 project partners, including SUBMARINER Network.


Reach out to our project manager:

Ferdinand Bulmer, Senior Project Manager

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