Coordinator of the EU Mission CSA "Restore our Oceans and Waters" in the Baltic and North Sea Region - Visit Blue Mission BANOS


KELP-EU is a project delivered by OCEANIUM intended to jump-start the European sustainable seaweed industry, with the contribution of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union.

The KELP-EU project addresses two fundamental problems facing our world today which have impacts on people health and planet health:

1. High demand for healthy, nutritious food in the face of food security challenges

2. The need to transition to using circular materials that move away from carbon and resource intensive products

By supporting the development of a sustainable seaweed industry in Europe, this project highlights how there are viable systemic solutions for the restoration of our oceans, the wellbeing of global citizens through improved diets and livelihoods and the mitigation of climate change at a moment when change is necessary. According to estimates from Seaweed for Europe, a scaled up European seaweed industry could create 115,000 new jobs by 2030. This could create alternative jobs for EU member citizens in coastal communities as well as jobs at all skills levels from research and development, hatchery services, logistics and farming. It can also offer income diversification for existing citizens in the aquaculture sector. 

Find out more about KELP-EU here.

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