Coordinator of the EU Mission CSA "Restore our Oceans and Waters" in the Baltic and North Sea Region - Visit Blue Mission BANOS

Mapping of Projects Contributing to Mission Ocean in the Baltic and North Sea

Focusing on the Western Baltic for the 1st Mission Arena

This document provides an overview of 200 projects that align with the objectives of the EU Mission “Restore Our Ocean and Waters” across four countries of the 1st Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS: Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. It is important to acknowledge that for a reason of efficiency, we have refrained from making a detailed analysis (meaning a distinction between North and Baltic Sea for the Germany, Denmark and Sweden or a focus on the South of Norway) but included data for all these four countries.

The overview includes completed and ongoing projects initiated in the period between 2011 and 2023. The project data was sourced from online platforms CORDIS and, as well as individual stakeholder websites and reports. Please keep in mind that this overview is still not exhaustive – as we need more time and resources to complement it with data form national, regional, or privately funded projects.

Read the full publication and access the raw data list here

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